Mastering Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Metrics and KPIs with Data-Driven Approach


An effective cybersecurity risk assessment process relies on a strong foundation of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to provide organizations with actionable insights and a clear understanding of their security posture. By focusing on the right metrics and KPIs, you can gain a deeper understanding of potential vulnerabilities and make informed decisions on how […]

Insider Tips: Avoid Common IT Security Audit Mistakes for a Stronger Cybersecurity Strategy

IT audit

Maintaining a robust cybersecurity posture includes conducting regular IT security audits to identify vulnerabilities, ensure compliance, and enhance your organization’s ability to withstand threats. However, mistakes made during the IT security audit process can undermine its effectiveness and result in missed opportunities for bolstering your defenses. To help your organization derive maximum value from the […]

Internal vs. External IT Security Audits: Optimize Your Organization’s Cybersecurity Strategy


IT security audits play a vital role in safeguarding an organization’s cybersecurity measures, ensuring data protection, compliance, and resilience against cyber threats. While some companies opt for internal audits conducted by in-house staff, others outsource the process to external IT security specialists like Atlant Security. Choosing the right approach for your organization is crucial for […]

Combating Insider Threats: Improve Your IT Security Audit Strategy with Atlant Security

IT Security Audit Strategy

Insider threats represent a unique and often underestimated challenge in the world of cybersecurity. While organizations rightly focus on guarding against external threats, insider threats from employees and contractors, either through unintentional mistakes or malicious acts, can present equally significant risks. Identifying and managing insider threats requires a different set of strategies and tactics compared […]

Boost SMB Security with Continuous IT Security Audits

Security Audits

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are faced with an ever-growing need to maintain robust security postures due to the evolving cyber threat landscape. As cybercriminals increasingly target SMBs, companies must take a proactive approach to securing their valuable data, infrastructure, and systems. One highly effective strategy is to adopt a continuous, proactive stance when it […]

Strengthen Cloud Security with Comprehensive IT Security Audits

IT Security Audits

The rise of cloud computing has brought about numerous benefits for organizations worldwide, from increased efficiency and scalability to cost savings and simplified data management. However, the widespread adoption of cloud services also introduces new security risks that organizations must proactively address to ensure the safety and confidentiality of their data. With cybercriminals increasingly targeting […]

Ensuring Security and Compliance in Healthcare: The Essential Role of IT Security Audits

healthcare IT

Healthcare organizations handle a wealth of highly sensitive patient data and must adhere to strict regulatory requirements designed to protect the privacy and security of that information. As cybercriminals increasingly target this valuable data, and regulatory bodies impose substantial penalties for non-compliance, it has become imperative for healthcare organizations to continuously evaluate and enhance their […]

Remote Workforce Security: Conducting IT Security Audits to Safeguard Your Organization’s Remote Infrastructure

remote work

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rapid increase in remote work, forcing businesses to adapt their operations and embrace new technologies to keep employees connected and productive from afar. As organizations continue to support their remote workforces, addressing the unique cybersecurity challenges associated with a distributed workforce is more important than ever. To protect […]

Strengthening Healthcare IT Security through Comprehensive Security Audits

IT healthcare

The healthcare industry has become increasingly reliant on technology to deliver efficient and effective patient care. Healthcare organizations hold vast amounts of sensitive patient data, including medical history, treatment plans, and billing information, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals. With the rising number of cyberattacks on healthcare systems, ensuring the security of healthcare IT infrastructure […]

Leveraging Cloud Security Audits to Protect Your Business’s Digital Assets


The growing reliance on cloud-based infrastructure has transformed the way businesses store, manage, and protect their digital assets. As the use of cloud services continues to expand and evolve, so do the cybersecurity threats targeting these environments. To safeguard sensitive data and maintain operational integrity, it is increasingly important for organizations to invest in cloud […]